Tag Archives: juicing

Healthy Steps Toward Fertility

Overall, I generally eat healthy – (except for my sweet tooth)! I’ve decided to get back into juicing, something I did years ago, before I decided to start a family. I genuinely felt much healthier when I juiced. There was a noticeable difference in my skin and hair. I felt great!

I know that there is no medical evidence that states that juicing can help with infertility, but I thought, “Why not give it a shot!” My body needs all of the nutrients that juicing can provide and I want to try whatever I can to keep my body as strong and healthy as it can be for this process. I try to juice 2 – 3 times a week and I love to juice carrots and ginger.

Among the thousands of articles that are on the internet regarding the health benefits of juicing, I came across this one that I would like to share.


I have also been reading articles on the health benefits of acupuncture for fertility. Has anyone had any experiences with this?